we all need people to share moments with and create lasting memories. they don’t just bring joy and happiness in the moment—they shape who we are and how we see the world. throughout my life, friends have come and gone. from my first friend in kindergarten to my current friends in college, each friendship has left an impact. even though we’ve grown apart, they helped me see life from different perspectives. their unique experiences and personalities have made me a more well-rounded person.
i’m 5 months away from walking the stage. 5 months from graduation. 5 months from stepping into the world as a “real” adult. with that, a new chapter of my life begins. but sadly, it also means leaving behind the friendships i’ve built here in college.
academia allowed me to make all of these new friends, but as it comes to an end, how will i meet new people? is this it?
i don't know.
at this age, i think it's about maintaining relationships, instead of having friends come and go.
when we are young, we grow apart from people. for example, i was a completely different person 4 years ago than i am today. i was still trying to figure things out. but as i got older, i started to understand myself better. the ones that stick around are the ones i want to have in my life. they knew me as a kid and have seen my growth.
the relationships i've built over the past 4 years have been beautiful.
in addition to the friends who have been around, i have also built new relationships. these people feel like family now—my housemates, my pi’s, my little, akpsi, dem. they’ve made these past years so special. even though we may not stay as close or even meet each other or speak again after graduation, i’m grateful for them. they’ve brought me comfort and joy, each with their own unique personality. i’ll miss the house parties, the late-night talks, all the trips to rowland/oc for asian food + boba (esp omomo, summerfield, tastea :3), and competing in case competitions/datathons/hackathons with them.
even though i won't be able to fully relive those memories again after college, i hope they will continue to be a part of my life. even though it will be harder to keep in touch, i will try my best to put in the effort to stay close with everyone. what i hope is that they do the same.
even if we drift, they will always have a special place in my heart. i will cherish these memories for life.
they have brought happiness and joy in my life. and for that, i am thankful.