life is hard. no matter who you are, you will experience hardship, negative emotions, and difficulties.
suffering and pain is inevitable.
before, i would try to avoid pain and suffering by pushing it away, like trying to erase something from my memory completely. but that never worked—it would just build up in my subconscious and mess with my mood.
learn how to live with it
i’ve learned to let myself feel those emotions and figure out how to live with them. for me, that means shifting my mindset.
heartbreak, for example, can be incredibly painful, and it’s easy to let it take over your life. but i choose to see it as a blessing—an opportunity to work on myself, pick up new hobbies, and become more well-rounded. i remind myself that i’m becoming stronger through it all.
what learning to live with it means to me is allowing myself to feel sadness and anger as they happen, but not letting those emotions drag me down. it’s about continuing to push forward and living life to the fullest, keeping a positive attitude instead of seeking pity or bringing myself down.
even though it sucks, the only way to get through it is to have a positive outlook on the bad things that happen in your life.
this mindset has helped me through some hard times.
for things i have to do but don’t enjoy, i remind myself why i do them and how they help me grow
this mindset has kept me going and made me stronger.
for example: i used to be scared of taking difficult classes and would give up quickly or get frustrated. now, the harder something is, the more i want to take it on because i know it’ll make me better. if something takes longer to learn, i see it as a good thing and keep pushing, not because i have to, but because i want to.
i can list like 50 more examples of this, but that will take up the whole page.
instead, i will list 5 :D
putting on sunscreen everyday, face wash, and moisturizer
improving my skin (for the short & long term)
doing chores and cleaning
builds good habits and discipline
improves physical and mental health
look and feel stronger
improves my ability to express my emotions and feelings
eating healthy
improving overall health (in the short and long term)
in conclusion, keeping a positive attitude is very important
things will get hard, but remember that there’s more value and growth to be gained from hardships than from things that come easy. keep this mindset no matter what you do—it works, trust me.